lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Hola a todos, Hi everyone!

Welcome to my blog or my online home! whatever you want.

This blog is my starting point and I hope the beginning of an exciting and great experience. I guess I will publish my thoughts and opinions about the subjects that interest me more as sustainability, renewable energies and politics (just from the citizen point of view).

I will also add some presentations and other multimedia content to the blog so you could have more information in different formats.

I will enjoy your contributions and suggestions because they will allow me to learn and become more sucessful, so don't be selfish and share your comments.

2 comentarios:

  1. Great idea Jimmy.
    Let,s start with solar energy. I have read somewhere, that Germany will start to produce solar energy with other partners,in El Sáhara, a very big project that will be able to suply Europe in a short period of time with a 15% of their suply...! And Spain... what are we doing with our incredible sun all year round. I am sure if Spain would be full of German people instead orf spaniards, we sould be at that point, leaders in producing fotovoltaic and termaic solar energy. When will the Government realize that?. In 2007 the termic solar energy, increased by 70% in Spain... while in 2009 it will decrease by 30%... what,s that?? According to ASIT, this is due to the recession in new construction and less money from the regional governments. First financing programms to the national solar energy, have shown its inefficiency. We should promote the efficiency of the solar instalations and garantee its operation for a long period of time. That,s all. Financial support from the government should go for that... EFFICIENCY

  2. I was walking on the street today and my feet pass over a dog sheet in the middle of the pedestrian area. At the same time, I have seen in about ten minutes, more than 5 people smoking in the street and throwing away the butt of the cigarrette down onto the floor. Last saturday we were in the mountains near Madrid, and in the middle of the nature, near the parking area, there were lot of butts on the ground: On our way home, a car driving in front of us, threw a chips empty bag out of the window. It was the car driver window, the father was driving.

    I wonder how can we convince million of people about the excellence of sustenability measures, when we behave like that and our children are learning that from their parents.

    I think we should frst of all, teach civic attitude before talking about more serious and mature things.


Please leave your comments about my opinions here,thank u!